Leo:16 : The Safe Living Room of the Neighbourhood / Make Leo:16 Cozy Again

von Ezgi

QGI-Themen Der Quartier-Gemeinwohl-Index (QGI) zeigt an, was sich Menschen für eine gemeinwohlorientierte Entwicklung des Hansaviertels wünschen. In Orientierung daran können sich Projekte für das Viertel entwickeln.
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The main idea of Leo:16 is to show an alternative of a kneipe space where people from different backgrounds can come and enjoy themselves without feeling like outsiders. This opportunity was taken away from us during Corona. We were closed for over 6 months period and we are looking forward open our doors to our diverse guests again. But we definitely want to reach more people on the way. For that, we are planning to make our outside area a more welcoming spot, almost a living room area, with certain improvements. We also would like to further our attempts on serving food (always vegan,always with donation), because everyone wants to have a midnight snack in their living room. And of course, we would like to show that home-made vegan food can be accessible and cheap, not something to profit from. We decided to have a better sound system on our cozy interior stage as well for the underground and independent artists to showcase their ideas.

Vision für's Viertel

Leo:16 is already a meeting place for many people, we hope with this project it will be a meeting and networking center for many more people. Because we hope to reach to much more people with our new welcoming atmosphere. We also get our ideas and morals from our political stances and we share our place with many political groups and use the same space to create communities for marginalized groups in our society. And we will keep this kneipe as a comfortable space for learning from one and another.

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